Saturday, 28 September 2013


  • - Yongguk’s personal goal is that
    he wants to become an artist who
    has various sides to him musically.
  • - Yongguk likes woman with
    morals, kind and beautiful in her
  • - Yongguk is the closest to
  • - After Yongguk appears on cable
    TV programs, some people call him
    a ‘variety dummy’.
  • - Among the members, Bang Yong
    Guk usually goes to bed the last.
  • - If Yongguk has a girlfriend, he
    will specially make a handmade
    chocolate and deliver it to her to
    let her eat.
  • - Yongguk is apparently awkward
    when he’s alone together with
  • - His favorite movie is Constantine.
    - Although he is brusque, but he is
    very softhearted and cries often.
    - He didn’t know how to talk until
    he was 5 years old.
  • - Bang Yong Guk who voted for
    Doojoon as most ideal idol
    manager. He said, “He seems like
    he has a lot of stamina, and
    appears thoughtful and attentive,
    as well as understanding.”
  • - Yongguk claimed to have read a
    fanfic about him but when asked
    for his response about it, he
    couldn’t say anything.
  • - Yongguk used his injury on his
    hand as an excuse to make the
    members do favors for him. XD
  • - Secret once said that Yongguk
    only hangs out with good looking
    people and he tried denying it.
  • - Yongguk appears to hate on
    Himchan but cares for him a lot
    and often calls him “Channie.”
  • - During Bang & Zelo promotions,
    there was a fan meeting and a
    small game called ‘5 Letter Talk’
    where fans ask questions in 5
    letters. The question for Yongguk
    was “What’s your favorite snack?”
    and he was really shy when
    answering “Home Run Ball.”
  • - He started his music career when
    he was in his second year of
    middle school. He posted his own
    rap lyrics on an online forum and
    was contacted by some members
    of the under ground group Soul
    Connection and eventually joined
    the group.
  • - From being apart of Soul
    Connection and meeting people
    who were already active in the
    music industry, he was able to
    broaden his skills in composing,
    producing, and in music itself. He
    eventually left Soul Connection,
    but he still did music by himself
    underground in order to find his
    own music.
    After being recommended by the
    hip hop duo Untouchable, he was
    contacted in 2010 by TS
    Entertainment to be part of a hip-
    hop idol group. He was at first
    hesitant because he was afraid
    that he wouldn’t be able to create
    the type of music he wanted and
    be limited, but TS Entertainment
    assured him he would be able to
    live out his dreams. So he joined.
  • - He loves African-American soul
    music and has once said: “If I can
    be born again, I’d like to be born
    as an African-American and do
  • - In “Ta-Dah! It‘s B.A.P” he is an
    alien that was a legend in their
    military back on their home
    planet. He loves Earth‘s war
    movies and thinks that all of life’s
    answers can be found in them.
  • - He has a twin brother named
    Bang Yong Nam who sings in a
    rock band. He also has a sister.
  • - If he could be another member
    he would be YoungJae. “Since my
    trainee period was long, I
    experienced it when I was young. I
    am the oldest in B.A.P, however I
    never been in the middle before.
    Therefore, I would like to become
    Yongjae. As he is between the top
    and bottom, I would want to know
    his stress or his hardships and
  • - During the recording of the MV
    for “Warrior”, he got burnt by the
    fire during one of the scenes to
    the point where his eyebrows were
    gone. In an interview he
    threatened the fire and warned it
    to never do it again.
  • - Bang Yong Guk loves the
    nertherlends although he's never
    been there because he gets the
    impression it is a very quiet, free
    spirited and natural country. He
    also loves their Soccer team.
  • - When asked why his bunny,
    Shishimato, keeps reading playboy
    magazines and whether he does it
    too he says he doesn't know
    whether or not it's a reflection of
    him because it was made by the
    company, he said he doesn't read
    playboy magazine (but Youngjae
    made a funny sound at that
    statement). He said that
    Shishimato is a fun version of him
    self but a completley different one
    to who he is.

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